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- You will notice or feel a bulge in your groin/inguinal area on standing/coughing.
- When you lie down flat on your back, the swelling may disappear.
- Indirect Inguinal Hernia and direct Inguinal Hernia.
- It is difficult to differentiate between the two by clinical examination by a doctor, and even by routine ultrasound scan.
- There is no difference in treatment plan between the two.
- It is mentioned only because indirect Inguinal Hernia is commoner in young people and there is a theory that it may be congenital ( i.e by birth ),and most important many insurance companies do not cover them.
Exact cause not known in most cases, however some theories are there.
- Inguinal Hernia is more common in male.
- During development the tests is inside the abdomen and then comes out to lie in scrotum. It pulls along with it a fold of abdominal membrane called tunica vaginalis which then disappears. At times this, tunica vaginalis persists and causes an indirect Inguinal Hernia.
- Smoking is said to predispose to hernia.
- Excessive weight can predispose to hernia.
- If you have had one Inguinal Hernia on one side, there is a likely chance that you will develop hernia on the opposite side.
- Having a job that requires standing for long periods or doing heavy physical labor increases your risk of developing an Inguinal Hernia PATIENT
If a hernia is not causing pain or discomfort then the patient can live with it. In most cases a hernia is not dangerous. However, there are certain circumstances under which a hernia can become dangerous.
There are symptoms that show that a hernia has become severe such as pain, bloating, nausea and/or vomiting and difficult bowel movements. Hernias are most dangerous in cases of strangulation. When strangulation occurs then surgery is needed urgently.
In some cases, a hernia does not require surgical treatment. Your hernia goes away when you lie down, or you can push it back into your belly. This is called a reducible hernia. It is too small to cause any major symptoms.
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