Pregnancy, places a significant strain on the muscles at the front of the abdomen.
These muscles , which are called the rectus muscles are stretched and also
separated from each other. This separation of the rectus muscles is called
This Diastasis of pregnancy can be prevented to some extent and also encouraged
to get back to normal after delivery.


The abdominal muscles not only contain the intestines and other organs inside the abdominal
cavity, but play a key role in maintaining “core health“.
Core health is a relatively new concept and by this is meant the efficiency of breathing, proper
back strength, and support of the pelvic floor ( i.e muscles supporting rectum, uterus, urinary
So if the abdominal muscles weaken, it can affect breathing, cause backache, and cause urinary
and other issues.
Diastasis can be prevented to a large extent by consulting a surgeon specializing in this field
who can assess the problem and recommend specific exercises.
After delivery the diastasis again needs to be assessed by an examination and ultrasound scan
and specific exercises and other treatments can help to correct the same. In a few situations
surgery may be the only option.
An important point to note is that the usual gym exercises meant to strength the
rectus muscles can in fact worsen diastasis.

In conclusion

Prevent diastasis, and avoid bulging, disfigurement, and core health weakness.

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